Saturday, January 31, 2009

Larissa's 1st Day of School!!

Preschool.... Larissa started 3 yr old preschool on Monday, January 26h. Can you believe i?? She goes to school Monday-Friday from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm. The us picks her up at 7:30 am then drops her off at 3pm. Wow, I know it. I can't believe that she is gone all day long. It is really weird being home with just Allora. It is acually exremelly quiet around the house without her but I can honestly say that she is a much calmer child since she started school. I believe that school is allowing her to rid of her energy in the needed areas. She is really starting to calm down a little. Allora seems to get a little bored and follows me around most of the time. You can really tell that she misses her sissy. Larissa is really enjoying her new adventure. She hates getting on the bus in the morning but I speak with her teacher regularly and she has no problems what so ever at school. Here are two videos of us geing ready for school in the morning. Enjoy!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our new puppy....Josie!!

Derek's younger sister, Erin, was so kind to give us our new puppy, Josie. She was born in mid April and is almost 9 months old. She is so adorable and full of energy. She fits in just perfect with my girls. We have her completely house trained now and she has just finished her first female now we can have her fixed asap....YIPPY!!!!! Enjoy the pics!

Pictures request!

Hello everyone...I have taken so many pictures over the past 6 months and I have posted a lot of them on kodak easyshare gallery.....if you have any pictures that you would like to see on here just let me know....I am here to make all of my friends and family happy about enjoying our blog. I will get the pics of Riss' room put up isn't completely done yet b/c I still need to touch up and put the border up but I will get to it soon. Hope to hear from you all soon. Suggestions are very much welcomed. Hugs to all!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009


December was such a crazy time for the Hudson's. We were so blessed having my parents able to come visit for almost two weeks in the middle of December then blessed again with Derek's mom and maw maw able to come over Christmas for almost a week. Santa even brought the girls a puppy right before Christmas...with Aunt Erin, Momma Pat, and MiMis' help.....yes, I know we are crazy but I just didn't think we were busy enough and I felt we needed to add to the family.

Derek and my dad were able to get so much done during their visit. They built shelves in our shed out in the back yard and now we have more storage to store more of our crap :) I dad even motivated Derek into starting to build our privancy fence. The two of them almost killed each other during the 3 days they worked on the fence but the made it through :) Derek was able to finish the fence all by himself this past week. It looks amazing and he did an terrific job and I am so proud of my "handy hudson". Between Derek, my dad and myself, we were able to paint Larissa's room to a beautiful pastel yellow and decorated the room with princess'. She was so excited and shocked at the same time.

My mom was such a terrific help during this time too. She helped me so such with watching the kids and playing with them when I couldn't. I was able to finally catch up on some much needed housework and rest. I don't know what we do with our moms....they really are some amazing women.

Once my folks departed we had less than 48 hours to prepare for the much anticipated visit with Mi Mi and Maw Maw a.k.a. Derek's mom and grandmother. We were so tickled they decided to actually come and visit with us up here in NC over the biggest holiday of the year. We were really blessed and felt really special that they decided to make this trip. Mi Mi and Maw Maw usually don't travel away from FL for the Christmas holiday. We had a blast and the girls really enjoyed the time the got to spend with their grandparents. Mi Mi is such an amazing help when she comes to visit. She spends so much time with the girls and I am able to actually sit down and breath when she visits with us. The girls just love being able to attack them and give them tons of hugs and kisses.

We all had such a wonderful holiday this year. We really made out being able to spend it with four of the most important people in our lives. Thank you for being with us this holiday season.

Can't hold it!

Okay, so this one can't we are the park this morning and the slides are a little wet so Riss and I go to the van and get a towel. Yes, I have a towel in the car for this exact reason ( I hate going to the park and the slides are wet and my girls butts dry them.) Okay, so Riss sees her little potty in the car and immediately has to pee (I am sure you have been in that moment). So I say "hold on" so I can get the seat ready. I have to put the bag in the toliet to catch the pee and she says "mommmmmmmm I have to pee", I said "hold on one minute. I turn around and she has her pants down to her ankles. I "said hold on one more minute and I start to hurry......too late...when I turn back around to her she is in the squatting position and is peeing straight down her legs, into her pants, socks and shoes. It is just amazing how they can be in the middle of something such as playing at full speed and all of a sudden have to pee just like that. So I spend the next ten minutes cleaning her up and changing every piece of clothing on her. Oh, yeah, it was 40 degrees outside too. Just a typical day in the life of the Hudson's. Enjoy!

Monday, January 5, 2009


October was so exciting for us and the girls. Riss kept saying "my friends coming to get candy with us"? It was very sad. She misses all of her friends back in TX and MI. She asks about them just about everyday. We tried to make the most of the holiday without our friends back in TX. We live so far in the coutry and no one on our street really socializes that we decided to drive into town on Halloween to go "trick or treating" Riss ran from house to house say the magic words "trick or treat", "trick or treat". She fell about 10 times.....she didn't even care...she just picked up and kept on running to the next house. Allora just chilled in the stroller waiting for daddy to give her another sucker. She was a little scared about the going up to houses in the dark and we didn't force her. She just sat back and laughed about "sissy" falling over and over. We also attended a Halloween party at Derek's work. It was nothing like the ones back in TX but we are still getting use to life here and we are accepting the changes and moving on. Enjoy the pics!

Life in NC!

Hello all!
Okay so here goes. We moved here to NC back in September. We actually closed on our home on Sept 2 at 3 pm in the afternoon and had our household items delivered at 9 am that morning. Crazy huh!? We were suppose to close at the end of August but first there is this then there is that....we finally sealed the deal in early Sept. We were lucky enough to have my momma make the trip from Al to NC with us. She helped us tremendously with unpacking and taking care of the kiddos during this difficult transition. Once she headed back to AL and left us to ourselves to get the house all together we realized that we really need to get out of the house. We decided to take the kids to the Zoo that was about 90 miles. Wrong decision! First, we left our house a little too late in the morning to be making such a long trip to turn into such a long outing for the kids. The kids were so overwhelmed with the huge zoo. I am not even going to go into details about the very crazy day except to tell you that we have not been back and don't plan on going until the girls are older. Way too much stimulation for my wired kids. Overall, we captured some great memories to cherish forever. Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Heads Up!

I just wanted everyone to know that the last post was just a short introduction. I will be posting every other day or so to back track all of the events we have done since we moved here back in September. It will go from the Zoo trip in Sept to Christmas and so forth. Stay tuned for all of the updates and don't worry I will fill in all of the details as I come to the event. Love you all!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello Everyone,
So here goes, I am finally blogging. I will start out with an update on how life is here in North Carolina. We moved to Fort Bragg, NC at the beginning of September. I can honestly say that life has been far from slow. Derek has built shelves in our garage, built a complete shed in the backyard and shelves in the shed. While my parents were visiting in a few weeks ago my dad helped Derek start our building our privacy fence in around the backyard. Derek has successsfully finished that entire fence this weekend. He did an amazing job! We also painted Riss's room while they were here. I can honestly say that she has a "princess room" now.

Larissa hasn't had any friends here to play with at all. I would take here to McDonald's once a week just so she could get some interaction with other kiddos her age. I love her with all of my heart and soul but when you have her all day long and you are her only!!! Get this................we just had a family move in right next door to us and it gets better.....they have a hyper active 3 year old boy. Perfect!! Larissa and Logan play every afternoon for 2-3 hours. They run back and forth between our swing set and their trampoline. They are great for each other!! Larissa had Logan pinned down on the trampoline today for like 3 minutes and Logan didn't even have the energy to push her off. That was after 3 hours of playing outside. Oh I forgot to tell you that Logan is only 2 months older than her and weights 20 lbs more. Can you imagine Riss tackling was awesome!!

Allora is already 19 months old and is in full speed trying to keep up with Riss. She is in the "testing mommy" stage. She is such a little spit fire. Her favorite thing to do is swing on the new swing set that daddy just finished.

Since this is my first entry on the blog and it is afer 1am....I really need to end it for now. I will write more later. Hugs to all!